Random ramblings | 03-12-2024

Notes for this day


Going to set up this site as my main online website. Not because I want more exposure, but since I have the domain and it’s not being used for anything - might as well go for it.

I’m really enjoying the ease of posting, which I do in Vim through the terminal. I use the same setup across multiple machines, which have the same scripts symlinked so the workflow stays the same. If I update any of the scripts, all the machines get the updates, so everything stays consistent.

I’ve also been thinking about the visuals of the site - I want it to more resemble my terminal setup, so I’m thinking JetBrains Mono for the text and gruvbox dark for the colors.

Another thing that’s brewing is creating a micro-blog from scratch, using ExpressJS - I will need to look into cheap hosting for that down the line.


Well, now this journal is my main online presence! it’s now up and running on bjorgvingudnason.com - just gotta let all the sweet DNS SSL 24 hour action to take it’s course!

Now some visual tweaking is really pressing!

Written on December 3, 2024